Friday Roundup

There are two weeks to go until the launch of my Duranalysis book! April 20th is the big day. If you prefer reading on a Kindle, you can pre-order the e-book now on Amazon for $3.99. There’s no pre-order for the jazzy paperback version, which will be $9.99; it'll probably be available to order at Amazon on or around April 17th, with other online book retailers following shortly thereafter. After April 20th, you’ll also be able to order it from your local brick-and-mortar bookstore.

About the book: It consists of fifteen brand-spanking-new essays about various aspects of Duran Duran, arranged chronologically to form a de facto biography of the band from its origins to the present. Here’s a glimpse at the table of contents, so you'll have some idea of what you're getting into:

Of the handful of people who've read it thus far--I've sent it out to a small core group of Duranies--the response has been very, very warm, which is heartening.

It's been a while since I've done a roundup, so I've got a small backlog of Duranalysis comics to post:

And because it's currently All Duran, All the Time around here, today's video is going to be "Friends of Mine":

Hang in there, everyone.


DKoren said…