Duranalysis: Perfect Day

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Ingrid Richter said…
Fine, fine review, excellent video! Added bonus: La Calavera Catrina!. Nicely done!
Morgan Richter said…
Ah, that's what it's called! Thanks, Ingrid!
vintagehoarder said…
Ah, wonderful. You're back! I was beginning to think you'd fallen off the face of the Earth. 😊

(I thought of you recently as I watched "The Five Daughters Affair", especially during a couple of scenes where I suspect you'd have a lot to say about U.N.C.L.E.'s competence!)
RafaM. said…
Have you ever seen any other men with such care for their personal image???
These men have beautiful neat feet!!! Wish I looked half as gourgeous as this guys.
Best boy band ever, my favorite DuranDuran!!!!