Oh, hey, folks, my debut recap of last week's Fringe episode ("Earthling") is up at TVgasm. Check it out, if you're so inclined.
Oh, hey, folks, my debut recap of last week's Fringe episode ("Earthling") is up at TVgasm. Check it out, if you're so inclined.
Anyways, all I really wanted to say was that it was a great recap, Morgan. Almost made me wish I still watched Fringe.
I'll follow the recaps for a while and see if I get interested enough to splurge on the Season One DVD.
I dig Fringe. Just finished up the first season, and I thought it was pretty nifty. Some slow episodes in the middle, but still: parallel worlds! Leonard Nimoy! It's all good.
Especially if those people were bikini-wearing, wisecracking swimsuit models who were led by a kickass talking turtle.
(Note to self: write this show)
I think the Russian guy's surname may be Kozlov, not Koslov. "Kozlov" is a common Russian surname, has some negative connotations to it. The origin word of this surname, "Kozel" (direct translation: "he-goat"), = a bad man. Not an extremely rude expression, but harsh enough, inappropriate as a joke.
Not a bad episode at all. Not one of my favorites, and it was pretty self-contained (I'm more of a fan of the episodes that give a piece to some bigger puzzle), but it was solid, and I loved the dissolving-into-ashes effect.
I liked this episode too. Maybe the next one will address the overarching story with parallel worlds and war, it's been a while since the other side took active steps.
That'd be good. I understand why Fringe goes episodic a lot (as opposed to having each episode build upon an ongoing over-arching plotline, a la Heroes) -- it's easier to attract new viewers, it makes the show more appealing for syndication, it's much easier to have some episodes written by freelance writers -- but I prefer the big picture, with parallel worlds and wars and vast conspiracies, to the smaller, contained stories.
By the way - and this is completely off topic - your old place on Grand blvd is for rent. I thought about circling back for a closer look, but my lease isn't up for another three months. And it would be kind of weird.
Fringe and Heroes are night and day. I'm hanging in there with Heroes, but it's by a thread. Fringe doesn't make me cringe with embarrassment while watching it, so that's a big plus.
Thanks, Patrick. Rest assured that if there'd been some sneaky way to make a reference to all the smart, funny people who regularly comment on this blog, I would have made it.
Ah, Fringe... thank you for taking me back.