The Smallville Files

Dan Liebke has updated his awesome Smallville Files. And there was much rejoicing.
(Nope. I'm still not watching or recapping Heroes anymore. Not even for Sendhil Ramamurthy's phenomenal eyelashes.)


Dan said…
Wow! That was quick.
Morgan Richter said…
It's the magic of Twitter. As soon as I saw your tweet about it, Dan, I was off and reading. Fine, fine stuff, even though I have yet to see the episode in question. I'm fond of how Green Arrow always seems to be toting around a bunch of Kryptonite, which always ends up being used against Clark. You'd think Clark would have a chat with him at some point about maybe leaving the one substance that can knock him out of commission at home when they go into battle.
Dan said…
Given the amount of kryptonite Bo always used to have stashed around the farm, I tend to think Clark probably sees Green Arrow as some kind of father figure.
Morgan Richter said…
I tend to think Clark probably sees Green Arrow as some kind of father figure.

Well, damn. That suddenly makes all the Clark/Green Arrow slash fiction so much creepier. Or, I suppose, hotter, depending upon how you're wired.
Dan said…
It does explain why Clark calls him 'Daddy'.