Duranalysis: Hungry Like the Wolf

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Ingrid Richter said…
Another fine review, o sister of mine.

Hmm. Attractive woman hides from and later attacks Simon, but openly smooches Andy and (very probably) John. And yet Simon is the one who's completely crazy for her. I think this sums up 80's dating in a nutshell.

Any idea what Simon's necklace is about? (he plays with it in the cafe)
Morgan Richter said…
Simon wore that cute silver elephant(?) necklace a lot during that time -- it crops up in photo shoots and other videos, too. Don't know if there's a story behind it; if not, I'm sure Simon would be happy to make something up.

I was delighted to see Roger getting some quality action. He's usually so quiet and mild that he gets pushed to the sidelines by all the other flashy showponies in the band.

I do hope you Googled Nick's wedding photos, sister of mine. So worth it. Hint: Live flamingos are involved. There are times when I'm relatively certain Nick's entire life is an extended performance art piece.
Ingrid Richter said…
Of course I Googled Nick's wedding photos. If there's anything I've learned from your blog, it's Google everything immediately after you mention it.

Listening to the new Duran Duran CD (many thanks, Morgan!). I think my new favorite Duran Duran phrase may be "Too bad you're so beautiful and complicated..." It rivals even the "She's brilliant! She's evil!" quote from Basic Instinct.
Cheryl K said…
I just discovered your blog, and I am thoroughly amused! Your descriptions are spot-on; the words you choose are so apt there is no way anyone could do better. You have information that I never knew before, and I, too, just last week discovered the "Waiting for the Night Boat" video on YouTube (why I never saw it in 25 years, either?!!!--it's not like I never heard of the song) so I appreciate that description/analysis as much as for faves like "Hungry Like the Wolf."
Oh, and by the way, I live a short drive from the infamous McDonald's truck stop John Tweeted about, but the problem is, there is more than one of them, so I'm afraid I'll never know exactly which one it was! *sniffle*
Morgan Richter said…
Hi, Cheryl! Aw, I'm glad you like the reviews! Yeah, I have no idea how the "Night Boat" video slipped totally under my radar for so long. It's a great video, but there's so little buzz out there about it.

Oh, and by the way, I live a short drive from the infamous McDonald's truck stop John Tweeted about

Oh, that's very cool! Something about seeing those glamorous Duran Duran boys standing outside a random McDonalds on the interstate just filled me with glee. This is the higher purpose of Twitter.
Morgan Richter said…
Ingrid, I love Nick's wedding photos. Pink satin fitted tux, top hat at a rakish angle, sparkly jewels at his throat, purple-and-yellow eyeshadow meticulously applied, lips glossed to the hilt, a flock of live flamingos at his feet -- he looks so beautiful and shiny and sparkly, like everything fabulous and absurd about the Eighties captured in a single image.

I think my new favorite Duran Duran phrase may be "Too bad you're so beautiful and complicated..."

Aw, man, I'm glad you're enjoying the new album. Just think of all the new lyrics we can use as email subject headers! I think my favorite lyric is "'Cause now I sense your mission is my coming demolition..." from "Girl Panic!"
Morgan Richter said..." Simon wore that cute silver elephant(?) necklace a lot during that time"

DURANIE HAND SLAP! That is Simon's very famous "Tiger Baby" necklace. There's even a clip of him on a radio call-in show in "Sing Blue Silver" where's he's asked about it.

Personally, I was never sure if his answer was "It's a tiger baby" (as in cub) or "It's a tiger, baby". But none-the-less, it's a tiger! And it is rather cub like.
Morgan Richter said…
AHA! Mystery solved. Tiger necklace indeed. Thanks for clearing that up, Try Whistling This.
Anonymous said…
I love your Duranalysis, fantastic idea!
Just gotta say, Nipple-deep water is my favorite phrase from now on, lol
Anyway thank you for your hilarious posts and I hope you will continue to duranalyse the boys :)
Morgan Richter said…
Thanks, Anonymous! I haven't done a Duranalysis in a long time -- I think my last one was Do You Believe In Shame? almost a year ago. I'm probably due to start them up again.