I believe the Oliver/Felicity pairing is properly known as "Smeen." Or possibly "Quoke." I forget which.
I think we got bait-and-switched with the major character death this episode: "We're gonna kill Quentin Lance! Ha ha, no, he's fine, we brutally murdered Sara instead. Fooled you!"
So, apparently in the Arrow universe, if one person enters (baby), another must leave (Black Canary). So unfair. Efficient, but unfair.
Oh, FelOliver, you were doomed to fail...
I think we got bait-and-switched with the major character death this episode: "We're gonna kill Quentin Lance! Ha ha, no, he's fine, we brutally murdered Sara instead. Fooled you!"
Lots of short hair (Oliver) or absent hair (Quentin) this season. It's going to be chilly in Vancouver this winter.
Heh. Smeen...