After watching a revival of Psycho at the local theater, Shawn and Gus head to a diner and meet with the creepy and eccentrically-named Mary Lightly (Jimmi Simpson), who’d helped them out on their Season Three case involving serial killer Mr. Yang (Ally Sheedy). Mr. Yang, currently safely locked away in a mental institution, has published a book about her exploits. Passages in the book have led Mary to believe Mr. Yang worked with an accomplice.
Shortly thereafter, the body of their waitress from the diner is found strangled in the woods, her corpse arranged like a yin-yang symbol.
When they search the diner for clues, Mary finds a yin-yang symbol on a pie with a crossword puzzle hidden inside the meringue. Highlighted clues from the puzzle spell out “Find Me.”
Shawn, Gus and Mary visit Mr. Yang in the asylum, and once again, Ally Sheedy brings the creepy. (I still wish they’d managed to work both Sheedy and Judd Nelson into the same episode. Ah, missed opportunities…) She offers to trade information with them, which leads to this exchange:
Shawn: This isn’t Silence of the Lambs, okay?
Gus: It’s totally Silence of the Lambs.
Shawn: That makes you Frankie Faison.
Gus: I know.
Shawn: Fine.

Mary produces another clue-laden note chock full of Hitchcock references. While Juliet and Lassiter investigate (more sight gags: At one point, Lassiter gets chased across a field by a low-flying propeller plane, a la Cary Grant in North by Northwest), Shawn and Gus snoop around Mary’s creepy house (which, naturally, is a ringer for Norman Bates’s house from Psycho). They find another note, which appears to be an attempt to lure the killer’s next victim into a trap.
Shawn, Gus, Lassiter and Juliet stake out the place specified in the note. When Mary arrives, they assume he’s the killer… until he gets stabbed and killed, a la Martin Balsam in Psycho, by a shadowy man wearing a fedora.
The killer sends script pages to the police instructing our heroes to go to a deserted building, where they’ll each be cast as an archetypal Hitchcock character: Shawn is James Stewart in Rear Window, Gus is Canada Lee in Lifeboat, Lassiter is Rod Taylor in The Birds, Juliet is Kim Novak in Vertigo, and Henry, lucky fellow, gets to be Sean Connery in Marni. It’s all an elaborate trap, of course, and despite the presence of police snipers, Juliet gets kidnapped. Meanwhile, Shawn’s girlfriend Abigail (Rachael Leigh Cook) arrives for a visit, but also gets nabbed by a shadowy man in a fedora.

Denouement: Henry accepts the job as police liaison that Chief Vick offered him a couple episodes ago, Shawn and Gus attend Mary’s funeral (dressed in matching blinding white racquetball outfits -- oh, don’t ask) , Lassiter hugs a sobbing Juliet, and Abigail breaks up with Shawn, claiming she’s not cut out for his dangerous life.
A strong end to an uneven season. Good show, Psych.
Pineapple spotting: It didn’t even occur to me to try to look for it.
Lassiter-based awesomeness:
Shawn comes up with their strategy for hunting the killer:
Shawn: We do nothing.
Lassiter: Nothing? How Seinfeldian.
Awesome Eighties references: They didn’t have time to squeeze too many in, what with all the Hitchcock references, but here’s a good one:
After amiable lunkhead Officer McNab figures out the simple crossword-puzzle clue, Mary says, “I think that bailiff from Night Court is right on.”
Great recap Morgan. I chuckled heartily at the Lassiter as Cary Grant plane scene.
I have no idea about the pineapple, it was probably on the photo frame of Mr Yang and Mr Ying right at the end.
Lassiter as Cary Grant running from the plane was awesome. I also loved the cheeseball rear-projection effect and the loud dramatic music when Henry and Lassiter were trapped in the car together.
The episode went totally above and beyond my Hitchcock knowledge, too, and I was a fricking film major. Henry dressed as a bellhop/theater usher in Shawn's dream? You got me.
Ah, well. Overall, I don't think I was thrilled with the season in general, but I suppose there's no earthly sense in taking Psych too seriously. It's a cute show, with a likeable cast, and it sometimes makes me laugh. That's about all I can ask for.
That's good to hear. I'll have to rewatch them, too. I don't remember them being terrible or anything (at its worst, Psych can be a little half-assed, but it's rarely actively bad), but they just didn't stick in my head very long.